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Dragon’s Blood is used for healing, protection, and banishing. Many Pagan paths believe that adding Dragon’s Blood to any other incense or herb blend will increase the potency of the original mix. Dragon's Blood also comes in handy when it comes to cleansing a space. If the previous occupant of the location left behind some dodgy energy, burn Dragon's Blood incense, or sprinkle the powder around the perimeter to banish away negativity. Blend it with dried sage or sweetgrass for extra metaphysical protection. As you can probably guess, Dragon's Blood is associated with the element of fire, so you can use it on your altar to represent fire in the absence of a candle, or use it in rituals that involve flames, the sun, heat, or power. Dragon's Blood powder is also used by women who wish to receive an offer of Marriage. This is a self lighting power, it can be used alone!

Dragon's Blood Resin

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